Monday, May 28, 2007

In Tokyo!

On Thursday 24th I took off for Japan for a work-related trip, although I must say, our timetable is not super busy... :) The first 3 days I spent in
Tokyo. It is definitely one of my favourite cities! And Japan in general is great. In my opinion, Japan and Brazil are the coolest countries in the world. This was my second time in Tokyo (and in Japan). Last year in February I was there with Riksu (who was by the way quite jealous of me for getting to go back!).

PS. Check out the video: descending from Tokyo Tower

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Bolivian rams

I am anxious for my Bolivian rams to pair up and start making babies. However, I believe that the chances for the offspring to survive with all the other fish are slim...

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ruotsi sujuu

Samojen kamojen joukosta kuin Snoopykin, löytyi myös vanha "päiväkirjani". Olen kirjoittanut tämän kyseisen tekstin arviolta 5–6-vuotiaana sen jälkeen, kun ollaan oltu kylässä pikkuveljeni Juhon kummeilla, joiden lapset puhuivat pelkkää ruotsia. Äkkiä sitä oppii, kun on pakko. :)

My Snoopy

I had to organize some old boxes full of stuff from my childhood. I found my dear Snoopy and lots of clothes I had made for her (yes, it's a her). :)

Friday, May 04, 2007

Small leaves and strange candy

It seems that we are finally getting leaves on trees. It gives you hope that the summer will be here eventually. :)
Although I am a big fan of both salmiakki and chocolate, I don't see the point of putting them together. Well, somebody thought of it anyway, and today I got to taste this strange combination.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Time to celebrate Vappu! It must be different in all countries, but at least in Finland it is a milestone on the journey from spring to summer, and according to students the most fun holiday all year. Riksu is not a big fan of Vappu, so this year (like previous years) I spent it with my friends in Helsinki.